The Rajagiri Blog
Sachin Bansal
  • Opinions
  • 24-11-2021
Sachin Bansal
Editor: Anandu B



Sachin Bansal is an Indian entrepreneur who is best known as the co-founder of Flipkart. During his 11 years' stay at Flipkart, Bansal acted as the CEO and chairman of Flipkart. In the year 2018, Sachin held a 5.5% stake in Flipkart, which he subsequently sold to Walmart. Right after leaving Flipkart, he had started working with Navi, a company involved in financial services. Even in this entirely new platform, Sachin continues to chant his mantra that is "to face newer problems and solve them". Some of his quotes like "Success has a thousand fathers but failure only belongs to the founders" will always strike a chord in some of us. His openness to experiences has made him adaptable to all business scenarios. Moreover, his thirst for newer problems and his continuous efforts to find solutions for them has led him to newer and larger markets.

According to Sachin Bansal, tackling newer and harder problems is what a good leader should do. The statement "Competition drives Innovation" has tremendous meaning to it, and Sachin wants to give this message to all young entrepreneurs out there. He says that a good leader is someone persistent, has a good people sense, and is willing to learn. Sachin believes that the most relevant skill for a founder or an entrepreneur is perseverance. Even now working with Navi, Sachin has set his goals on simplifying financial services for the common people. He is goal-oriented, focused, and is determined to work towards his goal. Sachin himself has said of how during his days in Flipkart, he discovered a vast market for financial services. The birth of Navi is closely associated with this, showing how organised and coordinated Sachin is in his life and work.

Being a more talkative and expressive person has gained Sachin Bansal a lot of public attention. His sense of humour makes people listen to him and they would remember whatever he said. This trait makes him much more sociable with his employees and customers. This has even helped him in maintaining good corporate relations. As a talkative person by nature, he is very expressive of his emotions and is fond of using light humour to keep his audience entertained. Sachin frequently uses metaphors from time to time like "Capital is the fuel for a well-made Rocket". These metaphors as well as his hand gestures coupled with his facial expressions have always given his audience a very deep impression of his views and ideas.

When he started Flipkart rather than hiring old hands in the industry, he wanted talented, hungry, and ambitious youngsters. This in itself marks his uniqueness among various business leaders. From the way, he says "customer love and customer attention are a drug" to his advice to young entrepreneurs everywhere to "Chase the customers until all the problems are solved".  We can see how much he values his customers. His empathy and concern for other people is his greatest attributes. How a person treats himself is how a person should treat others and Sachin Bansal portrays this.

Sachin has been seen to be quite open about his mistakes, he had once commented that he has made mistakes and is making newer mistakes every day. He also dares to admit his mistakes and learn from them. From these actions, we can see that Sachin Bansal is a person of strong willpower. Every comment Sachin has ever shared was backed with his own real-life experiences. From all these things we can say that Sachin Bansal is a great personality and someone we should respect from the bottom of our hearts. He is a role model as well as a teacher to all up-and-coming entrepreneurs out there.


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