Inflore - The Best Management Fest Ever
Inflore - The Best Management Fest Ever
Inflore - The Best Management Fest Ever
Inflore - The Best Management Fest Ever
Inflore - The Best Management Fest Ever
Inflore - The Best Management Fest Ever
Rajagiri Immersive Learning Experience

At RCBS, the curriculum is designed to enable students to deveop their competencies and capabilities so that they excel in every domain of life. The Rajagiri Immersive Learning Experience Methodology is a pedagogical innovation of Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies. Along with academics, students are exposed to programmes and activities which prepare them to manage and lead in challenging environments. The methodology is based on four dimensions: Conceptual Learning, Experiential Engagement, Executive Modeling and Corporate Competency. The various activities under these dimensions help transform the Rajagirians into professionally competent and socially sensitive individuals.

Conceptual Learning

Through case discussion, lectures and seminars students are introduced the concepts and theoretical framework of management and business. Students are also introduced into the world of business through business update sessions and research projects.

Experiential Engagement

The experiential engagement activities help students get immersed into the practical realm of management through various activities like Rural Sensitization Camp, Vanavasam , field work , field projects etc, and students learn from doing experience.

Executive Modeling

RCBS ensures that the students develop the winning abilities and skills to create a great impression at work and advance in their professional life. Through various activities students are groomed to improve their communication skills, interpersonal skills, analytical skills and put on the winning attitude.

Corporate Competency

Students are made industry ready through continuous interaction with industry professionals. Summer internship, industry visits and industry interactions give students hands on experience on how organizations function and give them rare insights into real time managerial issues.