The Rajagiri Blog
Twinkle Rose Lalan
Twinkle Rose Lalan
  • Musings
  • 01-11-2021
Editor: Thulasi Jayaprakash

There are some things that we feel good about for no particular reason at all. Seeing a coffee on our bedside table the moment we open our eyes, the wind getting in our hair while we stand on the beach admiring the sunset, or watching a little girl play hopscotch from across our front yard. These things don't necessarily mean anything to us, but they still manage to leave us feeling good. We never learn to appreciate the little things in life which give us so much delight. We run behind bigger things that we think would make us happy, finally ending up with little to no happiness. Learn to appreciate the very little things in life. They unknowingly give us so much delight without which our lives would have been one big heap of a gloomy mess.


Everything is pretty. Every little thing is beautiful. The world is full of false twisted notions of beauty that see something as superior and another thing as inferior. Take a look at the simplest thing that you can think about. A pebble? Leaves? Sand? A cat? A person? Who cannot say that these things aren't beautiful? Some might. Some might not. It's just the way we perceive things. Beauty, life, they're all the same. Everything is beautiful, just take a look at them from different perspectives. That is when everything changes and possibilities open up. We realise the extent of beauty when we learn to perceive and accept. And thus, the definition of beauty will be justified.


Hope is something that the human mind has created in order to expect something to turn out their way. It is a desperate attempt, but a powerful one. People are alone. They live alone with the hopes of many things- love, relationships, happiness, and a future. Hope dots every single one of the human wishes. Hope strives for a better tomorrow, for better days to come. It relishes happiness and sorrow, delight and remorse, and pain. In the end, it becomes the best teacher to a human being. It teaches a person to see better things for themselves, and in this twisted world, this creation of our mind, is truly a blessing.


Life is a very complicated thing as all of us would know. We might have been there and passed through. This complex interwoven web of realities and experiences form our being. And it is always about the little things. The simple way the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, how the day changes to night, or how the buds bloom into flowers. The simple little things that we do and go through every day, makes up this complicated life. The choices we make when starting a new relationship, when taking a day off from work or when skipping a day’s breakfast. These choices, these small moments are pinned together leading to where we are now. There would have been times where everything would have been one happy bundle, while at the same time there would have been times when the whole world was crashing down. It is all very simple really. It’s just about how much we enjoy the time we have in this complicated mess that makes our life worth living. And that is the secret of life. Just be there and live.


Not everything is relatable and not everyone is the same. Things are created differently. People are moulded differently. Each person has different concepts and different views. In short, they have differences. A cup of coffee remains the same when served to different people. It should taste the same to everyone and it does. But the perception of the taste is different for different people. Some love the cup of coffee. Some hate it. This is because people are different. They have their own perceptions. Their own taste. Their own likes and dislikes. The same could be said of everything around us. Instead of rejecting and shunning ourselves because we are different, we should embrace these differences. Being different is not bad, it helps you make your existence known. We are different from other people and that’s what makes us who we are. Embrace and live, happiness will come our way.


Let’s skip around and have fun. Let’s go out and get wasted. Let’s run around at night and talk to the stars. Let’s make a whole lot of memories. This right now and right here is our perfect chance to make this possible. We’ll do this, so one day we won’t have to look back and regret missing the opportunities; of living and being there for the moment. We’ll spend our life savings and wander around as broke people. We’ll fall in love and break our hearts. We’ll make promises not to fall in love again. We’ll break those promises and end up being broken again. We’ll pick each other up and go do some crazy things, again. And in the end, we’ll end up getting wasted and talking to the stars again. It doesn’t matter in the long run. Because fast forwarding in time, we’ll be the grandmothers who tell their grandkids stories of two best friends who were crazy enough to talk to the stars.


We'll run away. We'll leave the world behind and forget society. We'll forget who we are and just live as creatures belonging to the Earth. We'll go far and wide in search of places we can call home, places that no one has ever been to. We'll cross rivers and oceans, forests and mountains, deserts and plains. We'll wake up to the singing of birds and fall asleep to the chirping of crickets. We'll spend afternoons together talking about the stupid things that we used to do. We'll think of our fights and joys, of happiness and sorrow, of pain and guilt. We'll keep ourselves occupied in our worlds and not waste a second. We'll fall in love over and over again. Just the two of us, forever.


How much would you be willing to give for love? A little? A lot? Your whole life? Love is a feeling that strikes people differently each time. It can be a person, a cup of coffee on a rainy day, the sunset with its hues, or a puppy looking at you with its eyes. You find love everywhere, even in the most minute thing. And sometimes, that would be all you need. You dissolve in it and your life becomes entangled there. Unknowingly, you give something from your side so that the feeling does not go away. And when that state is reached, you realise that you are there- that you are in love. And then it is a hurl and toss methodology. You feel happiness, joy and delight. You feel sorrow, despair and grief. You get hurt and feel pain. Maybe you toss it all away. Maybe you hurl it to the side. Then you feel alone, as if something is amiss. You go back searching till that lost feeling is replaced by something similar. And you finally end up where you began- in love again. Actually, you give your everything for love. That’s how love works. That is the only way love knows.


Dear October,


Okay, so, maybe something new is happening today. Today is a new day, a new month. Four whole months already made its exit yesterday, and today something new is happening. I am here, arms opened wide, embracing the waves of this new happening that is on its way. Maybe, it has already rooted itself around me, like the way how the sun rose today, the way things turned out till now, and the way people went about their lives. When I look at it, all of these, right now, what is happening, is new. Like this moment right now, when I'm penning this down, something new happened. To me, I'm penning this down. Somewhere else, something new happened to someone else. So, when I narrow it down, this is a process which happens to everybody, every second of every day. It just so happens that some people welcome positive waves from these happenings and give themselves reasons to go about these in a pleasant, happy way. This repetitive process, which I have come to be enlightened about, consists of the simple things that make up life. The whole of life. Like every detail and every instance of it. The sum of these small and brand-new happenings equals the whole of a particular life story. And a life story is all about finding reasons and making choices, be it positive, or be it negative. And, what I am doing right now, what I choose to do right now, is a new happening which is making up my life. I am choosing. I am welcoming happenings. And so, I am finding my reasons. 



A Girl who is happening

