Smitha Siji

Smitha Siji Email-ID:

<p><span style="color:null"><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">She is an MBA from Vikram Universiity Ujjain, M.Phil frm Alagappa University, Karaikudy and Ph. D from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Before joining the field of academics, she had a brief stint in the Industry. She worked as an Associate-Women&rsquo;s Health care in Foreva &ndash; A division of Unichem Laboratories Ltd for three years. She has around 12 years of teaching experience and she has worked in several reputed B-schools in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. She has participated and presented papers in several national and international conferences and has published articles in reputed journals and edited volume books. She has also been a visiting scholar at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo and Nazareth College, Rochester, USA.</span></span></span></p>

Educational Qualification

  • MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D
  • Completed a ARPIT course on “Pedagogical Innovations and Research Methodology” with a ‘A’ grade on 16.02.2020.
  • Completed a ARPIT course on “Curriculum Pedagogy and Evaluation for Higher Education” with a ‘B’ grade in 2021. 

Work Experience (Research /Teaching)

Industry Experience: (Three and a half years)

  • Marketing Executive in Foreva – A Division of Unichem Laboratories from July 1999 to March 2002
  • Administrative Executive in Parenteral Drugs (I) Ltd, Indore M.P from Jan’ 1999 to June 1999

Teaching Experience: (Eighteen years)

  • Associate Professor in Rajagiri Business School, Cochin from 01/07/2021 onwards till date
  • Associate Professor in Rajagiri School of Management, Cochin, from 01/04/2016 to 30/06/2021 
  • Asst. Professor at Rajagiri School of Management, Cochin, from June 2008 onwards till 31/03/2016
  • Lecturer in KSR College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode (2005 – 06)
  • Lecturer in Vysya Institute of Management Studies, Salem (2002-2005)

Area of Interest (Research /Teaching)

  • Marketing Management
  • Advertising and Sales Promotion
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Retail Business Management

Research Projects

  • Completed a Minor Research Project funded by RCSS under the FRP policy titled “An investigation of actual and perceived utility of online ratings and reviews of services”.
  • Completed a Minor Research Project funded by UGC titled “Influence of Price in Purchase Decision Making of FMCG”, period of study May-2011 to August 2012.
  • Part of the research team involved in identifying the “Top Twenty Brands in Kerala” for the Dhanam Magazine for the year 2008
  • Resource person for "Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP) on IT/ITES support services" conducted by KITCO  at Kalamassery, December 2012


  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Utkarsh – The capability building workshop’ held for Bharat Petroleum Dealers designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 21 to 23 November, 2024.
  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Utkarsh – The capability building workshop’ held for Bharat Petroleum Dealers designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 8 to 10 October, 2024.
  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Utkarsh – The capability building workshop’ held for Bharat Petroleum Dealers designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 3 to 5 September, 2024.
  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Pragati– The capability building workshop’ held for Bharatgas Distributors designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 25 to 27 March, 2024.
  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Utkarsh – The capability building workshop’ held for Bharat Petroleum Dealers designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 12 to 14 March, 2024.
  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Utkarsh – The capability building workshop’ held for Bharat Petroleum Dealers designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 23 to 25 January, 2024.
  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Utkarsh – The capability building workshop’ held for Bharat Petroleum Dealers designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 5 to 7 December, 2023.
  • Session chair at the Research Colloquium organised by SCMS on Dec 2, 2023.
  • Resource person in the area of Marketing at the ‘Utkarsh – The capability building workshop’ held for Bharat Petroleum Dealers designed and developed by RBS and RCSS, held from 22 to 24 November, 2023.
  • Resource Person for a session on ‘Time Management” as part of the Induction program of Batch 2022-25 of Rajagiri College of Social Sciences on 13th of September, 2022.

Journal Publication

  • Siji, S., & Parsad, C. (2023). Navigating the Stars: The Moderating Effect of Social Media Usage on the Admission Intention of B-schools. FIIB Business Review14(2), 233-246. Scopus - Q2
  • Published a case study titled "Nukkad Tea Café: Combating the Taboo of Transgender Employees" in Ivey Cases with Product no. W36906
  • Published an article titled “Influencer marketing: role of paid communication and product congruency” in Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 29(2), 1-15. ISSN: 1528-2678. ABDC-B
  • Published an article titled "Navigating the Stars: The Moderating Effect of Social Media Usage on the Admission Intention of B-schools”  in the FIIB Business Review, 14(2), September 2023,ISSN- 2455-2658 (Scopus Q2)
  • Published an article titled “Social Commerce of Indian Customers: The Role of Social Media Usage” in Indian Journal of Marketing, vol. 51, Issue.8. ISSN: 0973-8703
  • Published an article titled “Generational cohorts: An empirical investigation into the Indian millennial’s shopping characteristics” in the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Vol. 27 No. 1, ISSN. 1323-6903
  • Published an article entitled “Social Media Analytics: Extracting and Visualising TripAdvisor Reviews, a Case of Taj Hotels in India” in Test Engineering and Management Journal, Volume 83, ISSN: 0193-4120.
  • Published an article titled “The role of anticipated regret and promotional offers on online purchase intentions” in Sustainable Humanosphere Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 1, March 2020, ISSN: 1880-6503
  • Published a chapter titled “A study on shopper’s experience in shopping mall based on different age groups with reference to Lulu Mall, Kochi’ in the conference proceedings of NCIM 2020 with ISBN No. 978-93-5396-417-7
  • Published a case titled “Midtown Medical Centre: Exploring Business Expansion Strategies”, Ivey ID: 9B19A025. London, Canada. Ivey Publishing.
  • Published an article titled “Role of green marketing awareness on purchase intention of eco-friendly products” in the IPE Journal of Management, Vol-8, No.1, Jan-June 2018, ISSN 2249-9040.
  • Published an article titled “A study on factors influencing customer’s attitude towards mobile marketing” in the conference proceedings of the National Conference on New Age Marketing organized by the School of Management Studies, CUSAT on 14th of March, 2018.
  • Published an article titled “Economic Development in the Digital Age: The Role of Digital Marketing in the International Journal of Marketing Research Review, 5(1), Feb. 2017, ISSN: 2347-1670
  • Published a book titled “Factors Influencing Buyer Behavior in FMCG – An Indian Perspective”LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-659-97297-3
  • Contributed a chapter titled 'The changing face of rural market'  in the book 'Rural Development : Emerging Economic and Commercial Perspectives' ISBN 978-93-5258-565-6, April 2016
  • Published an article titled “Variance in factors influencing buyer behavior across various product categories in FMCGs” in the Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol-45, No. 3, March 2015, ISSN: 0973-8703
  • Published an article titled, “Impact of Social Media in Education” in the  International Journal of Applied Services Marketing Perspectives, Vol-4, No.1, Jan-Marc-2015, ISSN- 2279-0977
  • Published an article titled, “Linking customer Loyalty to Customer Satisfaction and Store Image” in the  Rajagiri Management Journal, Vol-8, N.2, Dec. 2014, ISSN – 0972-9968
  • Published an article titled “Positive Influence of Price in FMCG Buying Decision” in the International Journal of Retailing and Rural Business Perspectives, Vol-3, No.2, April-June 2014, ISSN (P) 2279-093“Factors Influencing Buyer Behaviour in FMCG” in the International Academic Research Journal of Buisness Management, Volume 2, Issue No. 4, August 2013-ISSN no - 2227-1287
  • Published an article titled "Determinants of Online Apparel Shopping Intentions" in an edited volume book titled Marketing Dynamics published by Aruna Publications with ISBN no. 978 93 81790 93 9
  • Published an article titled "Negative Influence of Price in FMCG Buying Decision" in the Journal of Marketing Vistas, Volume 2, No. 2, July-December 2012
  • Article titled “Analysis of Generation Mix at workplace” published in Journal of Contemporary Research in Management” 3rd Volume, 4th July-December 2007 issue.
  • A case study titled “Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures in Civil Aviation” published in the conference proceedings of the conference on “Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate” held at IIM-Kozhikode, India on 18th and 19th of May, 2007

Paper Presentation

  • Presented an article titled “Use of TAM and TPB Practices during Covid-19 with special reference to Online Shopping Behaviour” in the Interntaional Conference on Insights in Marketing with the theme ‘Sustainable Marketing for a Better world’ held at Rajagiri Business School on 5th of February, 2022.
  • Presented an article titled “The Queen…The Queer: A Study on How LGBTQ Imagery in Advertisements Influence the Ideology of the viewers towards a Brand” in the Interntaional Conference on Insights in Marketing with the theme ‘Sustainable Marketing for a Better world’ held at Rajagiri Business School on 5th of February, 2022.
  • Presented an article titled “Mobile Food Ordering Apps: An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Customer E-satisfaction and Customer Intention to Reuse Such Apps” at an international conference in IIM-Rohtak on 8th of January, 2022.
  • Presented an article titled “Extracting and Visualizing reviews of top B-schools in India” on 6th of January, 2022 at an International conference in MICA, Ahmedabad.
  • Presented an article titled “Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Advertising in India: The role of personalization” at Assumption University on 19th of October, 2021 and got the best paper award.
  • Presented a case titled “Cycle Pure Agarbathies: Branding Fragrance Across the World” at ICRC-AIMA case competition organized on 31st of March, 2021. The case was awarded the Certificate of Excellence for being selected among the top 5 cases.
  • Presented a paper titled “Consumer Attitude towards Instagram advertisements: A snapshot” in the international conference in Marketing 2021 jointly organized by RBS, RCSS and Vives University, Belgium on 5th of February 2021.
  • Presented a paper titled ‘Maneuvering the stars: The moderating influence of social media usage on booking intention of hotels’ in the Rajagiri Management Conference organized on 15th of October 2020.
  • Presented a paper titled “A study on shopper’s experience in shopping mall based on the service quality factors” at the AU virtual international conference 2020 on Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in the digital era held on 30th of October 2020.
  • Presented a paper titled “A study on Air Passenger’s shopping motivation and commercial activities at the airport: The moderating effects of time pressure and impulse buying tendency” in 2019 IIM Indore Summer Marketing – IS Conference on the theme Smart Marketing in the Digital Age organized by IIM-Indore from 26th to 28th of July, 2019.
  • Presented a paper titled “Generational Cohorts: An empirical investigation into the Indian Millennial’s Shopping characteristics” in 2019 IIM Indore Summer Marketing – IS Conference on the theme Smart Marketing in the Digital Age organized by IIM-Indore from 26th to 28th of July, 2019.
  • Presented a paper titled “A study on factors influencing customer’s attitude towards mobile marketing” in the National Conference on New Age Marketing organized by the School of Management Studies, CUSAT on 14th of March, 2018.
  • Presented a paper titled “How effective are promotional offers in the purchase intention of consumers – between India and Columbia” in the National Conference on Insights in Marketing organized at Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Kakkanad on 4th of February, 2017.
  • Presented a paper titled “Economic development in the digital age: The role of digital marketing” in 7th international conference  on development policy organized at Avinashilingam School of Management and Technology,      Coimbatore on 15-16 December, 2016.
  • Presented a paper titled 'The Study of Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust and Switching Barriers on Customer Retention of BSNL Landline Users' in the one day National conference on 'Insights in Marketing' organised by RCBS on Feb 6, 2016
  • Presented a paper titled "Linking customer Loyalty to Customer Satisfaction and Store Image" at the 14th EBES Conference organised by the Eurasian Business and Economics Society, held at Barcelona, Spain from October 23rd to 25th, 2014
  • Presented a paper titled "Impact of Social Media in Education" in the TEQIP II Sponsored National Conference on Integrating Humanistic Values and Social Concerns with Technical Education (NCIHST-2014), 7-8 February 2014.
  • Factors Influencing Buyer Behavior in FMCG" at "International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management, Economics and Finance-ARC 2013-Cochin-India" on 25-26 July, 2013 organised by Academic Research Publishers, UAE and New York Institute of Technology, Abu Dhabi Campus
  • Presented an article titled "Determinants of Online Apparel Shopping Intentions" in a one day National Conference on "Recent Trends in Marketing - Opportunities and Challenges" organised at the National Institute of Technology, Thiruchirappally on 20th of February, 2013.
  • Presented a paper titled "Value Consciousness and Le-agile Marketing" in a UGC sponsored National Conference on "Leveraging competitiveness through Lean and Agile Management" held on 13th and 14th March 2012 at Avinashilingam School of Management Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Presented a paper titled "Influence of Price Consciousness and Purchase Decision Involvement in Local Retailer Loyalty" at an International Conference on "Evolving Frontiers Business-society-Nation Interfaces" organised at Indus Business Academy, Bangalore from 10th to 12th March 2011.
  • Presented a paper titled “Indian Thought on Business Ethics” in an International Conference titled “Emergent Business Models and Strategies for the knowledge economy: Impact on Society, Business, and Government: organized by Indian Business Academy, Bengaluru on November 19-21, 2009.
  • Presented a Paper titled “Indian Ethos and Management: Towards a New Managerial Vision” at an International conference on “Expanding Horizons of Indian Business and Indian Management” held at IBA, Bangalore on 15th and 16th Jan, 2008.
  • Presented a Case Study titled “Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures in Civil Aviation – The Case of Air India and Lufthansa” at IIM-K on May 18th and 19th2007.

Conferences / MDPs Organised / FDPs Organised

  • Coordinated a one-day International Conference on Insights in Marketing with the theme Sustainable Marketing for a better World on 5th of February, 2022.
  • Coordinated a one-day Pre-conference workshop on Qualitative and Quantitative Research Techniques as part of the International Conference on Insights in Marketing on 4th of February, 2022.
  • Coordinated a webinar titled "Beyond the Pandemic: Opportunities for the FMCG sector” on 24th of July.
  • Coordinated a one day National Conference on Insights in Marketing with the theme “Marketing in the 21st Century: Contributing towards a better world” on 2nd of February, 2019 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences.
  • Coordinated a one day workshop on “Qualitative Research Methods” on 1st of February, 2019 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences.
  • Coordinated a one day National Conference on Insights in Marketing with the theme “Marketing Management in Changing Times” on 3rd of February, 2018 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences.
  • Coordinated a one day workshop on “Academic Writing” on 2nd of February, 2018 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences.
  • Coordinated a one day National Conference in Marketing titled “Traditional Concepts of Marketing in Today’s context” on 24th of January, 2013 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences.

Workshops / Training Attended

  • Participated in a 5 day FDP on Statistics for Data Analytics from 3rd to 7th of August 2021.
  • Participated in a one day workshop on ‘Assurance of Learning’ conducted by Dr. Arun Periera on 15th of February 2020
  • Participated in a workshop on “Conducting Meaningful Research” organized by IIM-Indore on 26th of July, 2019.
  • Participated in the three day IAA World Congress on the theme “Brand Dharma” at Grand Hyatt Bolgatty, Kochi from Feb 20 to 22, 2019.
  • Participated in a one day National Seminar on “Disaster Risk Mitigation: Technology Recipes for Kerala” organized by the Dept. of Computer Science at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery on 30th of November, 2018
  • Participated in a FDP on “Simulations” organized by Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on 2nd and 3rd of January, 2018.
  • Participated in a FDP on “Write and Cite” organized by Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on November 7th, 2017.
  • Participated in a seminar on “Case Method Teaching” organized by Harvard Business Publishing and IIMA Case Centre on July 7-8, 2017 at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru.
  • Participated in a three day seminar on “Strategic Innovations in Higher Education” at Christ University, Bangalore from 10th to 12th of May, 2017.
  • Participated in a three day seminar on “Strategic Innovations in Higher Education” at Christ University, Bangalore from 10th to 12th of May, 2017.
  • Participated in the “Marketing and Brand Conclave” organized by CII at Hotel Crown Plaza on 2nd of November, 2016.
  • Participated in the FDP on “Teaching Methods to strengthen decision making skills” conducted by Dr. Ranjeet Nambudiri of IIM-Indore on September 20, 2016.
  • Participated in the FDP on “Case Method in Management Education” conducted by Dr. Simon George of TAPMI on August 20, 2016.
  • Participated in the FDP Symposium on 'Sentimental Marketing..# next is here' held at SCMS Cochin School of Business, Cochin , Kerala on July 29, 2016
  • Participated in an FDP on “Innovative Approaches in Management Teaching” from April 28 – 30, 2016
  • Participated in the one day Faculty development Programme on Bloom’s Taxonomy organised by Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on  Jan 5, 2016
  • Participated in the one day training programme on Meta Analysis organised by Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on Jun 02, 2015
  • Participated in a one day workshop on "Employment Laws in the IT sector: Myth and Reality" at Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on 7th March, 2014.
  • Participated in a two day UGC sponsored Conference on “Inclusive Innovation  and Sustainable Growth: The Millennium Challenges” organized by Rajagiri College of Social Sciences on 30-31 August 2013.
  • Attended a three day national workshop on "Reseacrh Methodology and Statistical Analysis: New Trends" held at RCBS, Kochi from 16-18 July, 2013.
  • Participated in the UGC sponsored one day National Conference on "Information Systems: Emerging Trends and Technologies" organised at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences on 13th of February, 2013.
  • Participated in the International Conference on "Innovative Practices for Business Excellence" at Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on 14th January, 2013.
  • Participated in a two-day Training Program on "Information Delivery Systems for Academic and Research Institutions (IDSARI 1.0) organised by ICFOSS Technopark, Trivandrum and Rajagiri College of Social Sciencs, Kalamassery from 24th of September to 25th of September, 2012 at RCSS Kalamassery.
  • Particiapted in a one-day FDP on “Indian Ethos and Values” at PSGIM, Coimbatore, on 25th of September, 2010.
  • Participated in a one day International Conference on “Human Resource Management in 21st Century: The Strategic Focus” organized by Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies on January 22, 2010.
  • Participated in a one day National Conference on “Communication in Global Business…the changing spectrum” organized by the Rajagiri School of Management on September 25, 2009
  • Participated in a one-day workshop on “Teaching CSR in Management Schools” organized by IIM-B Centre for Corporate Governance and Citizenship in association with SCMS-Cochin on 24th July, 2009 at SCMS Campus.
  • Participated in a one-day workshop on “Data Analysis using SPSS”, conducted by Dept of Computer Applications, CUSAT and SPSS South Asia Pvt Ltd Bangalore on 25th June, 2009.
  • Participated in a workshop on “Research methodology – application of Contemporary Statistical Techniques for Research in Business” at Rajagiri School of Management from 13th to 17th of October, 2008.
  • Participated in a seminar and workshop titled “Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness through Managing Change” at Rajagiri School of Management on 17th, 18th and 19th July, 2008.
  • Attended a one-day workshop on “Building Creativity Looking Beyond Limits” organized by Kerala Management Association on 24th of November 2007.

Administrative Roles

  • Resource person for a workshop on SDG to Don Bosco college, Kohima on 31st  of January, 2022.
  • Resource person for a workshop on SDG to Christ college, Pune on 17th of December, 2021.
  • Resource person for a session on SDG workshop for Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally on Sep 28, 2021.
  • Resource Person for FDP on Case Teaching and Case Writing on 5th and 6th of August, 2021

Other Details

  • Presented an article titled "Alliteration alters:Phonetic overlap in promotional messages influences evaluations and choice" authored by Derick F Davis, Rajesh Bagchi, and Lauren G Block, published in the Journal of Retailing, 92, (1, 2016)
  • Presented the work-in-progress of Ph.D Dissertation thesis.
  • Presented the research proposal being pursued for the doctoral studies.
  • Case Study titled “Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures in Civil Aviation – The Case of Air India and Lufthansa”
  • How to stop customers from fixating on price?
  • Presented an article titled "Using the crowd as an innovation partner" authored by Kevin J Boudreau and Karim R Lakhani, published in HBR South Asia, April 2013.