Shashank Mittal

Shashank Mittal Email-ID:

<p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">Shashank Mittal has done his FPM in OB&amp;HR from IIM Raipur.&nbsp; He holds B. Tech (Electronics &amp; Instrumentation) from I.E.T. Lucknow.&nbsp; Prior to joining FPM he has over two years of industrial experience and three years of teaching experience in various organizations.&nbsp; He has published multiple papers in ABDC ranked and SSCI indexed journals of international repute such as Journal of Management and Organization and Current Psychology. His current research interest includes Social identity, Knowledge exchanges, Status, Proactive helping, Employer branding, Organizational justice, and Humanitarian relief management. He enjoys badminton and cycling during leisure time.&nbsp;</span></span></p>

Educational Qualification

  • Fellow Programme in Management; in Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource; from Indian Institute of Management Raipur, Raipur
  • B. Tech, Electronics & Instrumentation, Institute of Engineering & Technology Lucknow

Research Projects

  • Social identity, Knowledge exchanges, Status, Proactive helping, Employer branding, Organizational justice, Humanitarian relief management

Journal Publication

Peer-reviewed Journals (SSCI indexed/ ABDC ranked journals):

  • Mittal, S., Sengupta, A., Agrawal, N. M., & Gupta, S. (2018). How prosocial is proactive: Developing and validating a scale and process model of knowledge-based proactive helping. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-26. ; ABDC category B and SSCI journal

  • Mittal, S., Shubham, & Roy, V. (2017). A Study on the Formation of Organizational Legitimacy Perception of Newcomer Employees: Broadening the Organizational Justice-trust Relationship. South Asian Journal of Management, 24(3), 28-45.; ABDC category C journal

  • Mittal, S., & Sengupta, A.(2017) Multidimensionality in Organizational Justice-Trust Relationship for Newcomer Employees: a Moderated-Mediation Model. Current Psychology, 1-12. ; SSCI journal (Impact factor 1.27)

Published Case studies and Teaching notes:

  • Organizational growth: Integrating business and HR, 2015, ET Cases

  • Transformation of Public Distribution System in Chhattisgarh: Dr. Raman Singh’s Leadership, 2017, Emerald Emerging market case studies

  • POSCO’s Great Indian Fiasco, Emerald Emerging market case studies(accepted)

Book Chapter:

  • How does Emotional Intelligence Affect Job Performance in Indian Business Organizations” in 17TH NHRDN National Conference Research Publication by McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd. This paper received third prize for the best student paper submission.

Paper Presentation

  • Gajpal, Y., Mittal, S., & Shubham (2015) Green Vehicle Routing Problem: A Meta-Heuristic Approach. XIX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India.
  • Mittal, S., & Shubham (2015) Public Distribution System in India: Recent Policy Debates in International Conference on Humanitarian Logistic at Indian Institute of Management Raipur, India.