Dr. P. Balakrishnan Menon
Email-ID: balakrishnan@rajagiri.edu
<p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">Dr. Menon has over 32 years of Industrial Experience, with versatile domain expertise in Marketing, Banking, Financial Services, Retail, Networking and Media & Entertainment, before he entered the teaching profession. He has served as Professor of Marketing and Director – MBA, in the DC School of Management and Technology, Vagamon for 7 years. Prof. Menon earned his M.Sc (Mathematics) from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. He obtained his PGDBM ( Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management) from the Institute of Business Management & Research, Calcutta, West Bengal State, with specialization in Marketing and MBA (Marketing) from the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, India. He was awarded Ph.D in Management in the area of Marketing Management, from Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He is an AMT (Accredited Management Teacher) from AIMA (All India Management Association), New Delhi. Prof. Menon successfully completed FDPM (Faculty Development Program in Management) from IIM (Indian Institute of Management), Ahmedabad. He is a well qualified management teacher with seven years of management teaching experience, at the post graduate level. He has published 11 international papers and 14 national papers in referred and peer reviewed journals of repute. He has presented papers in 6 conferences and attended many leadership development programs. He won a ‘best research paper’ award from All India Management Association (AIMA) e-journal in Sep 2012. Prof. Menon has achieved the credentials of being recognized as Reviewer for International Journal, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, United Kingdom. He has reviewed a few case studies for EEMCS, U.K. He has also achieved the recognition as Reviewer, for International Journal of Marketing Management, United Kingdom. He has reviewed a few research papers for the journal. He has worked as an Account Manager and as a Program Director, in UST Global, Trivandrum and Cochin for 6 years. He has worked with Cap Gemini Ernst and Young in Singapore for 6 years, as a service Delivery manager for Citibank. He has served for over 18 years in a middle Management capacity in Indian Oil Corporation Limited, in India. He has worked in Australia and USA for a few months, as a part of his assignments with Cap Gemini, Singapore and UST Global, India respectively. His main areas of Interests are Marketing Management, Information Technology, Project Management, Research Methodology and Management Information Systems.</span></span></p>
Educational Qualification
- M.Sc (Mathematics), PGDBM, MBA (Marketing), Ph.D (Management), FDPM (IIM A), AMT (AIMA)
Journal Publication
- Case Study: Joji, A. N., & Menon, P., (2025). Vismay: Adapting a branding framework for success. In Sage Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd., https://doi.org/10.4135/9781071960721
- Balakrishnan Menon P. (2024). Impact of social media brand engagement and brand trust on brand loyalty in India. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 28(6), 1-23 (ABDC B).
- Case Study - Oralium: Managing products and markets for growth. In Sage Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd., https://doi.org/10.4135/9781071924365 (Jan 2024)
- Menon, B. (Feb 2021). The role of social media marketing in enhancing customer equity of smart phone brands. Marketing mastermind, IUP publications, ICFAI, Hyderabad. ISSN: 0972-5156, 28 (1), pp. 38-53.
- Menon, B. (Sep 2021). Influence of social media marketing efforts on brand equity and consumer response to branded shoes in India, Indian journal of marketing, Associate management consultants, New Delhi. ISSN: 0973-8703, 51 (9), pp. 24-40, Scopus Q3 Category
- Menon, B. (Sep 2021). Factors Shaping Consumer’s Green Perceived Value, Self-Brand Connection and Brand Loyalty for Green Brands in India, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Allied Business Academies, U.K., ISSN: 1528-2678, 27(2), pp. 1-19, ABDC B Category
- Menon, B. (Feb 2020). Model of Brand Salience of Consumer Skincare Soap Products, Metamorphosis, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, Print ISSN: 0972-6225, Online ISSN: 2348-9324, Print: 0972-6225, 18(2) 130–141, Feb 2020, © 2020 in.sagepub.com/journals-permissions-india, DOI: 10.1177/0972622520902871, journals.sagepub.com/home/met.
- Menon, B. (Aug 2019). Personal Trust, Institution Trust and Consumerism Attitudes towards Mobile Marketing and Banking Services in India. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, U.S.A., ISSN: 1528-2678, 23(3), pp. 1-13. ABDC B Category
- Menon, B. (Sep 2019). Determinant factors influencing customer usage intentions regarding online services in the road transportation industry. Journal of Customer Behaviour, U.K., ISSN 1475-3928 print /ISSN 1477-6421, 18(2), 131-150. ABDC C Category.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (Mar 2018), Influence of Customer Tech Savviness and Proneness to Social Media, Facilitating Online Purchase Intention, Supplemented Through Firms’ Content Generation in Facebook, Drishtikon: A Management Journal, Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development (SCMHRD), Pune, India, ISSN Number: 0975-7848, Vol: 8, Issue: 3, pp.10-26, Sep 2017 – Mar 2018.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (June 2018), Structural Equation Modelling on Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars, Vision – The Journal of Business Perspective, MDI (Management Development Institute), Gurgaon, HARYANA, India, ISSN: Print 0972-2629, Online: 2249-5304, Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 144-152, June 2018.
- Balakrishnan Menon (Sep 2018), Influence of Customer’s Brand Attitude on Purchase Intention of Private Label Fashion Brands, Abhigyan journal, the refereed quarterly management journal of FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India, ISSN: 0970-2385, Vol. 36, issue. 2, pp. 30-40, Jul-Sep 2018.
- Balakrishnan Menon (June 2017), Determinants of Online Purchase Intention, towards Firm Generated Content in Facebook, International Journal of Applied Marketing and Management, Publishing India Group, New Delhi, ISSN: 2455-0132, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 47-56, June 2017.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (June 2017), A Study on Consumer Behaviour of Passenger Car Segments through Logistic Regression Modelling, Metamorphosis 16(1) 1–13 © 2017, A Journal of Management Research, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India, Print ISSN: 0972-6225, Online ISSN: 2348-9324, Print: 0972-6225, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 20-32, June 2017.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (June 2017), Impact of Social Media on Consumers’ Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty, The Indian Management Researcher Journal, GITAM Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University, Hyderabad, India ISSN: 2349-2090, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 17-30, June 2017.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (Dec 2017), Effect of Visual Merchandising, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty, On Consumer Buying Behaviour of Marks and Spencer Retail Products, The Indian Management Researcher Journal, GITAM Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University, Hyderabad, India, ISSN: 2349-2090, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 1-18, July - Dec 2017.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (Dec 2017), Determining Factors of Brand Attitude towards Private Label Fashion Wear, Journal of Management Research, South Asia Publications, New Delhi, India, ISSN: 0972-5814, online: 0974-455X, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 232-243, Oct-Dec 2017. ABDC C Category.
- Balakrishnan Menon , "The influence of e-relationship quality and e-service quality on customer loyalty in the context of Flipkart online retailer services" in Journal of Customer Behaviour, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp.121-137.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Dr. Jagathy Raj (2010), “DCSMAT- Delivering Management Education Services” abstract published in the research journal, 2nd Karpagam University Annual Research Congress (KUARC) on 8–11 Dec 2010, p. 198, Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Dr. Jagathy Raj (2010), “Consumer Behavioural patterns of the Passenger cars” abstract published in the research journal, 2nd Karpagam University Annual Research Congress (KUARC), p. 199 – 200, on 8–11 Dec 2010, Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
- Balakrishnan Menon (2010), “UST Global – Customer Centricity in Software Services” in Dhruva’s International Case Writing Competition, Dhruva College of Management & California State University on 7 Dec 2010, Dhruva College of Management, Hyderabad.
- Balakrishnan Menon (2011), “UST Global – Delivering Quality Software Services” in the research journal, 4th National Conference on Innovative Management Strategies (NCIMS – 2011) on 28 January 2011, RVS Institute of Management Studies & Research, Coimbatore, Conference proceeding, book of abstracts – p. 43, Jan 2011.
- Balakrishnan Menon (2011), "Winning Combination in Software Services Management" in the research journal, Kohinoor Business School & Centre for Management Research – 5th Annual International Research Conference on Services Management 5 February 2011, E-Journal of Kohinoor Business School Centre for Management Research, Pune, Maharashtra, ISSN – 0973 – 1513, Vol. 1, p. 51, Feb 2011.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (2011), “Professional Development for Improving Quality of Higher Education” in the proceedings of Conference on Professional Development on 4th March 2011, School of Management, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, p. 31, March 2011.
- Balakrishnan Menon (2011), “UST Global, India: Delivering Software Service Solutions” Emerald International Research Journal on Emerald Emerging Markets and Case Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, U.K, ISSN - 2045-0621, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2011), pp. 1-20, April 2011.
- Balakrishnan Menon (2011), “UST Global – Customer Centricity in Software Services”, Chapter contribution in the book titled “Case Studies in Management: Contemporary Perspectives” published and distributed by Humming Words Publishers, ISBN - 978-81-920730-0-2, pp. 259-267, July 2011.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (July 2011), “Framework Development for studying Consumer Behavioral Patterns of the Passenger Car Owners”, “SCOUR”: A Management Journal (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed), Institute of Productivity and Management, Ghaziabad, India, ISSN: 0973 – 6123, Vol 5, Issue 1, pp. 41 – 59, July 2011,.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Dr. Jagathy Raj V.P. (2011), “Consumer Behavioural Patterns of Passenger cars”, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management, Haryana, ISSN - 2231-5756, Vol. No. 1, Issue No. 3, pp. 61 – 68, August 2011 (A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal, Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, ProQuest, U.S.A., The American Economic Association’s electronic bibliography, EconLit, U.S.A., Open J-Gate, India & Cabell's Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A.)
- Balakrishnan Menon, (Aug 2011), “Model Formulation for Quantitative Research on Purchase Intentions of Car Owners”, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Haryana, India, ISSN: 2249-2496, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 106 – 129, August 2011 (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal, Included in the International Serial Directories: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, USA, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas, USA).
- Balakrishnan Menon, (2011), “Duality Strategy of Customer Centricity and Employee Focus in Software Services Management”, Drishtikon: A Management Journal, Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, Pune, ISSN: 0975-7422(Print), 0975-7848(Online)), Volume 2, Issue No. 2, pp. 63 - 82 (March-September, 2011), Sep 2011
- Balakrishnan Menon and Dr. Jagathy Raj V.P. (Sep 2011), “Conceptualisation of Model for studying Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, Haryana, India, ISSN 2231-5985, Volume 1, Issue 5, pp. 80-115, Sept 2011 (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Listed in : Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, USA., Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas, USA
- Balakrishnan Menon. (Sep 2011), “Model to study Consumer Behavioural Patterns of Car Owners”, DEECEE School Journal Organization and Management, ISSN 0972-9003, Volume II, Issue 1, pp. 133-143, Sept 2011
- Balakrishnan Menon (Dec 2011), “Delivering Management Education Services”, in Dhruva’s International Case Writing Competition, Dhruva College of Management, Hyderabad & California State University on 1 Dec 2011, Dec 2011.
- Balakrishnan Menon (Dec 2011), “Delivering Management Education Services”, Chapter contribution in the book titled “Case Studies in Management: Theory to Practice” published and distributed by Humming Words Publishers, ISBN - 978-81-920730-1-9, pp. 137-148, Dec 2011.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Dr. Jagathy Raj V.P. (Jan 2012), “Consumer Purchase Behavioural Model on Passenger Cars”, AIMS International Journal of Management, (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed, listed in the Cabell's Directory of Publication Opportunities in Management) AIMS International, The Association of Indian Management Scholars, Houston, Texas 77065, USA, ISSN: 1939-7011, Volume 6, Issue No. 1, pp. 41 – 58, Jan 2012.
- Balakrishnan Menon, (March 2012), “Parameters and Framework Development to study Consumer Behaviour Patterns of Passenger Cars, Drishtikon: A Management Journal (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed) , Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, Pune, ISSN: 0975-7422(Print), 0975-7848(Online)), Volume 3, Issue No. 1 , pp. 19-44, March 2012
- Balakrishnan Menon and Dr. Jagathy Raj V.P (May, 2012), “Model Development and Validation for Studying Consumer Preferences of Car Owners”, International Journal of Marketing and Technology, Haryana, India, ISSN: 2249-1058, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp. 148 – 173, May 2012 (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal, Included in the International Serial Directories: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, USA., Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas, USA).
- Balakrishnan Menon and Jagathy Raj V.P., (May 2012), “Dominant Mean Percentage Square Factors of the Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, International Journal of Research in IT and Management, Haryana, India, ISSN 2231-4334, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp. 13 – 36, May 2012, (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal, Listed in: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, USA., Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas, USA.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Jagathy Raj V.P., (July 2012), “Dominant Partial Least Square Factors of Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, Asian Journal of Management Research, ISSN 2229-3795, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 83-99, July 2012, (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal), Listed in: Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, U.S.A.; DOAJ -Directory of Open Access Journals, Open J-Gate, EBSCO Host, Google Scholar, SSRN.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Jagathy Raj V.P., (July 2012), “Dominant Confirmatory Factors of Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Retail Management (International Journal of Marketing), ISSN 0976 – 7193, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 959 – 979, July 2012, (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal), Listed in: Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities
- Balakrishnan Menon and Jagathy Raj V.P., (Aug 2012), “Dominant Exploratory Factors of the Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, Zenith International Journal Of Business Economics & Management Research, ISSN 2249-8826, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp. 1-22, August 2012 (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal), Listed in: Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, Texas; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, U.S.A.; E-ISRJC, Philippines; EZB, Germany; Open J-gate, India.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Jagathy Raj V.P., (Aug 2012), “Logistic Regression Modelling for Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, AIMA Journal of Management and Research, ISSN 0974-497, Volume 6, Issue 3/4, pp. 29-58, August 2012 (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal)
- Balakrishnan Menon. (Sep 2012), “Mean Percentage Score Modelling of Emerging Consumer Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, DEECEE School Journal on Organization and Management, ISSN 0972-9003, Volume IV, Issue 2, pp. 103-127, Sept 2012
- Balakrishnan Menon and Jagathy Raj V.P., (Feb 2013), “Confirmatory Factor Modelling on Emerging Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, Indian Journal of Marketing, ISSN 0973-8703, Volume 43, Issue 2, pp. 11-26, Feb 2013 (Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal).
- Balakrishnan Menon (2014), Modelling Consumer Purchase Intention of Passenger Cars, Chapter Contribution in the book titled “Marketing Dynamics in Emerging Markets”, Directorate of Public Relations and Publications, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, ISBN – 978-93-80095-49-3, pp.191-210 , March-May 2014.
- Balakrishnan Menon and Jagathy Raj V.P. (Sep 2014), “Exploratory Factor Modeling for Consumer Purchase Behaviour of Passenger Cars”, DEECEE School Journal on Organization and Management, ISSN 0972-9003, Volume V, Issue 1, May 2014
- Balakrishnan Menon, (Sep 2014), Unfolding Entrepreneurship - Cases in Management, Chapter contribution titled “JP Hair Style Services”, 36th Faculty Development Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, pp. 39 – 46, Sep 2014
Conferences / MDPs Attended / FDPs Attended
- Conference on Professional Development, School of Management on 4th March 2011, Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
- 2nd Karpagam University Annual Research Congress (KUARC) on 8–11 Dec 2010, Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
- Conference on Dhruva’s International Case Writing Competition, Dhruva College of Management & California State University on 7 Dec 2010, Dhruva College of Management, Hyderabad.
- 4th National Conference on Innovative Management Strategies (NCIMS – 2011) on 28th January 2011, RVS Institute of Management Studies & Research, Coimbatore.
- 5th Annual International Research Conference on Services Management on 5th February 2011, Kohinoor Business School Centre for Management Research, Pune, Maharashtra.
- Conference on Dhruva’s International Case Writing Competition, Dhruva College of Management & California State University on 1 Dec 2011, Dhruva College of Management, Hyderabad.
- Conference on Dhruva’s International Case Writing Competition, Dhruva College of Management & California State University on 22nd Dec 2012, Dhruva College of Management, Hyderabad.
Workshops / Training Attended
- Management Development Program (MDP) on “Developing Mentoring Skills in Teachers” conducted by the Institute of Competency Advancement of Teachers, on 25th and 26th March 2011, at Indira Gandhi National Open University, Regional Centre, Cochin.
- Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Case Writing Work Shop for Teachers in DC School of Management and Technology in 18th Dec 2010 & 14th March 2011, conducted by DCSMAT, Vagamon.
- Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Research Methodology and SPSS 16.0” in Albertian Institute of Management, Cochin on 14 – 16th May 2009.
- Management Development Program (MDP) - National seminar on Creating and Delivering Value for Customers, conducted by Cochin University of Science and Technology on Match 27-28, 2009
- G A Menon Leadership Program, conducted by US Technology, in the year 2006.
- Advanced Management Development Program conducted by US Technology, Trivandrum in the year 2006.
- “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Program, by Center for Effective Leadership, Singapore, Representing Franklin Covey, New York in the year 2002.
- Diamond Development Program – 10 Delivery Managers selected form Asia Pacific countries attended this program. Internal program of one year with specific project challenge and monthly event days, with Cap Gemini in the year 2001.